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3380 Nehrig Hill Road, P. O. Box 175 

Ardara, Pennsylvania 15615 Volume XXVII - No. 10 December, 2006

                                 “MERRY CHRISTMAS"

Phillip: I read the other day that this year it is all right to say “Merry Christmas.” 

Aaron: I saw that article also.  It seems that the retailers are reacting to the backlash from trying to remove the word “Christmas” from their advertising and greeting last year. 

Phoebe: It’s about time for them to realize that the real significance of the celebration cannot be squelched.  After all, it is the celebration of the birth of the CHRIST.  I noticed that, though the retailers didn’t want to acknowledge Christmas, they still wanted to sell Nativity sets, Advent candles, and a host of other religious-based items. 

Aaron: I never did understand the fuss about admitting the true meaning of Christmas.  While I am the one who has always enjoyed getting and giving gifts (especially getting), I have also appreciated the fact that God gave the ultimate gift for me – His Son Jesus. 

Phillip:  While the merchants are willing to allow the mention of Christmas they still emphasize something other than the true meaning.  It used to be that the selling of Christmas stuff began the day after Thanksgiving.  Now major displays were up weeks before Halloween.  The Christmas season traditionally began with the Thanksgiving Day parades when Santa came to town and decorations were turned on.  Now there seems to be a race to see who can have “light up night” first. 

Abigail: I was with Rev the other day and heard some people discussing how Thanksgiving is a lost holiday.  No longer is there much emphasis on it.  I’m glad we still have Thanksgiving Eve Communion Worship. For those able to be here, it is a very meaningful time. 

Phillip: This year was especially significant as people shared many things and people for whom they are thankful, the greatest of which is Jesus Christ.  They also shared many concerns for others, some close to home and some far away.  

AaronI guess I have many favorite worship times, but that is one of them.  Before we get overwhelmed with turkey and vegetables and pie it is great to take some time to reflect on what feeds our attitude of gratitude. 

Abigail: You’re right.  I also noticed that this year’s worship was centered on ACTS.  That is more noticeable since our emphasis on “Hotline to God.” 

Aaron: Yes, it was.  We had prayers of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.  Plus, it is always meaningful to “gather” at Christ’s table.  Remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made of His life to pay the price for our sins is humbling and freeing.  

Phillip:  On the church calendar the CHRISTMAS season officially starts Sunday, December 3rd, this year.  Do you remember what this season is called ?

Abigail: I know! It is the season of Advent. 

Aaron: It means we celebrate the coming of Jesus.  Advent means coming or arrival.  So during Advent we look forward to the birth of Jesus during the four weeks before Christmas Day. 

Phoebe: That’s right.  We observe Advent for the four Sundays before Christmas.  During that time we recognize that Jesus came and that He gave His life as a ransom for us who were held captive by sin.  While the Advent season for those who lived in the times preceding Jesus stretched for many years, we now connect Christmas and Easter with a hyphen. 

Phillip:   When the Worship Team was here planning for Advent this year, I looked over Patti’s shoulder and saw that the sermons will center on several important words.  

Abigail:    I saw them on Shelley’s paper.  The first is HOPE and the second is PEACE. 
Aaron:  Sundays three and four will center on JOY and LOVE.  I also noticed that the week we  think on JOY the choir will present the cantata “2000 Decembers Ago” at both services.   Also, that evening at 6:00 p.m. the youth and children will present “The Flower of the  Holy Night” on which they have been working very hard.  They even have really cool T- shirts.  (There weren’t any small enough for me.)

Abigail: And this year the fourth Sunday of Advent is also Christmas Eve.  That means we get to go to worship upstairs four times.  There will be worship at 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. and also at 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. 

Aaron: I really do love those evening services with the lessons and the carols.  Ending the worship with lit candles singing “Silent Night” is the highlight of the whole Christmas season for me. 

Phoebe: Don’t forget that after the 10:00 worship there will be Sunday School classes for all ages just like every Sunday. 

Aaron: Speaking of the Sunday School, my class hasn’t had as many in it as there were.  I do miss the people.  Did you ever notice how much warmer it is with more people? 

Phillip: It is great to celebrate the Light of the world, Jesus.  One of the ways we do that here is to have families and friends light the candles of the Advent wreath finishing with the Christ candle on Christmas Eve. 

Phoebe: While all the traditions and celebrations are neat, I want us to think again on God’s promise fulfilled.  Long before the birth of Jesus Isaiah wrote;  “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; … And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”  (Isaiah 9:6)  And then Luke records the birth in 2:1-20.  As the angels appear the shepherds they bring good news.  “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  (Luke 2:11)  That long awaited Messiah went to a cross and gave His life as a ransom for sinners and after His resurrection from the dead He ultimately went to make intercession for us before the throne of God.  Hallelujah, what a Savior! 

Aaron: We don’t want to forget to wish all our friends a joyous Merry Christmas filled with the love of Jesus!