Ardara United Presbyterian Church

vacation bible school updated report

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~ VBS 2006 ~

      Hopefully YOU were able to be part of this year's Vacation Bible School Program, Fiesta!  Again this year we averaged approx. 60 children per night and a total of 77 registered throughout the week.  Our numbers were approximately the same as last year, praise God!


      I'm hoping not to miss names as I try to thank everyone for a job well done! (not everyone signs the volunteer sheet) If I miss your name, I apologize.


      First I thank the Lord for being with us every step of the way.  His hand was on everything we did, from the first planning session to the VBS Sunday Service on Father's Day.  Let me begin with our teachers and key staff:

Ø      Shelley Grubbs and family did an excellent job transforming our church into the little place in Mexico that hosted our VBS this year.  Everything was beautiful.

Ø      Our Hot Bible Adventure leaders were Randy Pedder and Colleen Doheny. 

Ø      In the Sillie Chilies Pre-School class we had Sue (director) and Rich Nebinski, Grant and Amy Funk, Gina Weyant, Connie Webber and some of the pre-school parents.

Ø      Our Sing and Play Ole` and Fiesta Finale crews consisted of Mandy Grubbs, Amy Rabo, Mike Tusay, Matt Common, and Patti Nicolette.

Ø      Teaching in Chadder's Drive-In Theater was Ed Nicolette.

Ø      Cactus Craft Leaders were Darla and Wendi Grant.

Ø      Kitchen Coordinators for Maraca Munchies were Wendy Tusay and Evelyn Weyant.

Ø      Hope Beck was in charge of our Grande games with help from Colleen Fonzo and Harriett Paden.

Ø      Prayer warriors everywhere led by Rev. and Janet Lloyd.

Ø      Registration was handled by Virginia Nicolette, Becky Mayhue, and Bonnie Conway.

Ø      Photographs and publicity were handled by Nancy Love, Ron Rabo, and Mike Love.

Ø      Blanket tying instructors were Marge Myers and Kathy Ward.

Ø      Crew Leaders were D.J. Comer, Keziah Meyers, Kylie Murray, Shawyn Murray, Jessica Worek, Rhiannon Parry, Brittany Grubbs, Lori Cipra, Ashley Bowen, and Gregg Hultberg.

      Additional volunteers were Jodi Murray, Maryanne and Alissa Miholovich, Harry Grubbs, Lynn Campbell, Jane Peters, Ruth Terhorst, Nancy Gillespie, Ruthie Kiesel, Wendy Comer, and everyone who donated money, food and craft items, and decorations. Special thanks to Colleen Fonzo and Jacobs Ladder in downtown Irwin.


You are appreciated!




Here is an overview of the week at Fiesta! Where kids are fired up about Jesus!

Day 1:

      Bible Buddy Ray reminded us that Jesus is our Friend.  Viva! 
      Bible story:  Men bringing their friend to Jesus for healing. (Luke 5:17-25)     
            "Now you are my friends."  John 15:15

Day 2:
      Bible Buddy Rosa reminded us that Jesus is our Life.  Viva!
      Bible story:  Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.  (John 11:1-44)
            "And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart."                                                            (Deuteronomy 6:5)

Day 3:
      Bible Buddy Cody reminded us that Jesus is our Leader.  Viva!
      Bible story:  Jesus chooses His first disciples.  (Matthew 4:18-22)
            "Jesus called out to them, 'Come, follow Me!'" Matthew 4:19

Day 4:
      Bible Buddy Spike reminded us that Jesus is our Savior.  Viva!
      Bible story:  Jesus dies and rises again.  (John 19:17 - 20:29)
            "Since I live, you also will live."  John 14:19

Day 5:
      Bible Buddy Pablo reminded us that Jesus is our Helper.  Viva!
      Bible story:  Ananias helps Saul (Acts 9:1-19)
            "The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear."  Hebrews 13:6

      During the week, kids were encouraged to participate in the daily challenge that was represented by the colorful flags in the sanctuary.  They may have done things like being a friend to someone who was lonely, writing a letter to God, thanking Him for the gift of Jesus, obeying their Mom or Dad the first time that they are asked, praying for the VBS crew that they were in and the leaders, or forgiving someone who may have hurt them.  We had hundreds of colorful flags at the end of the week!

      We participated in Operation Kid to Kid where we prayed over and donated 21 fleece blankets (that the VBS children worked on) to children in Spanish speaking countries.  We also collected MANY items for the local food bank: over 35 packages of paper or Styrofoam plates, over 227 rolls of toilet tissue, over 125 canned goods, over 126 boxes of food, over 115 bars of soap, over 45 bottles of ketchup and $500 in monetary donations!
      I hope you are encouraged about the VBS program.  I know I am.  Many lives are changed (adults and kids alike) and hearts are touched.  I pray that you will find a way to be involved next year.  We're already counting down the days...

In His service,
Patti Nicolette

                                                                        VBS Director